갑상선기능 저하 치료제로 신지로이드같은 화학약 대신
천연 갑상선 치료제를 써야한다는
미국 의료보시자단체의 발행책과 글
김현원 교수님 서포트 모임 http://cafe.daum.net/khwsupport 의 건강관련 게시판에 최재성 의사가 올린 다음과 같은 글을 읽고 나는 충격을 받았다.
갑상선기능 저하 치료제로 신지로이드같은 화학약대신 천연갑상선치료제(natural desiccated thyroid)를 써야 한다는 미국 의료소비자단체의 발행책과 글.한국말로 번역하면 "미친 갑상선치료그만하라" 수십년의 저질의 화학 갑상선약(신지로이드)으로 갑상선기능저하를 치료한것을 종식시키기위해 환자가 의료자각을 하자는 요지
신지로이드가 50년전에 개발돼기전에는 천연갑상선치료제(natural desiccated thyroid)로 환자들이 잘치료 되었는데 신지로이드를 개발치료하고 부터는 환자들에게 여러 휴유증이 나타났는데도 의사들은 이런사실을 잘알지도 못하고 무시한다는 ,그리고 처방을 하는약에 집착해서 천연갑상선은 추천하지않는다는 요지임.
그러면 왜 신지로이드(T4)가 저질 갑상선치료제인가?
우리몸의 갑상선은 T1,T2,T3,T4, Calcitonin이라는 여러 물질을 분비 한다. 이런여러물질이 우리몸의 대사에 절대적으로 필요한데 천연갑상선에는 이런물질이 다들어 있으나 신지로이드는 T4 한가지 뿐이고 T4자체도 우리몸에서 분비하는 T4와 화학식이 약간 다르다.
물론 이래도 그런대로 많은 환자가 적응해서 그런대로 살아가지만 심하게 적응 안 되는 많은 환자가 있다. 갑상선수술후 혹은 갑상선염으로 신지로이드를 복용후 피 검사결과는 정상으로 됐다고 하는데도 몸이 많이 않좋단 환자들은 대체로 적응이 않돼는 환자들이다. 미국에서는 이런 환자들이 뭉쳐 책도 내고 협회를 조직하여 갑상선치료가 잘않되어 절망적인 환자(만성피곤, 근섬유화증, 비만,우울증,고지혈증,소화장애,심한 변비,마른피부염.공황장애,불면증,기억력장애등)들을 계몽하고 있다.
여러 나라에서 만드는 천연갑상선치료제(natural desiccated thyroid)의 이름
ERFA aka “Thyroid”: 캐나다
”THYREOGLAND” from Munchen 독일
기타 호주나 뉴질렌드 천연호르몬있음.인터넷으로 직구해야하고 약간씩 환자에 따라 반응이 다름.복용법과 복용하며 갑상선기능검사해서 각자에 적당량을 결정하는법은 아래 영어원문에 있으니 참조 바람니다.
Stop the Thyroid Madness: A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Treatment
by Janie A. Bowthorpe
Other editions
Enlarge cover
What is Synthroid? Made by Abbott Laboratories, it’s the most well-known brand name for what’s called levothyroxine sodium, a synthetic, man-made version of the thyroid hormone T4.
Technically, it’s a synthetic crystalline L-3,3′,5,5′-tetraiodothyronine sodium salt. Doctors have been prescribing Synthroid for over 50 years to treat hypothyroidism. Before that time, the only treatment for hypothyroidism was natural desiccated thyroid, which appeared to work well for a good seven decades before Synthroid entered the arena.
Inactive ingredients include acacia, confectioner’s sugar (contains corn starch), lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, povidone, and talc. These may be different in other brands. The Synthroid brand sizes range from 25 mcg to 300 mcg synthetic T4.
What is T4? T4 is one of five hormones made by the thyroid– the latter which includes T4, T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin. T4 is a storage hormone with the purpose of converting to the active hormone T3, though the thyroid also makes some direct T3. T3 is the hormone which gives health and energy to every cell in the body.
What are other brands similar to Synthroid? Levoxyl, Levothroid, Unithroid, Berlthyrox, Eltibio, Eltroxin, Eutroxsig, Oroxine, Droxine, Eferox, Elthyrone, Euthyrox, Eutirox, generic levothyroxine, and more. They can have different fillers.
What’s the history of Synthroid or T4-only medications? This is covered in Chapter one of the revised Stop the Thyroid Madness book with interesting detail.
Is Synthroid an adequate treatment for hypothyroidism? A large and growing body of thyroid patients around the world have exclaimed “No!”, as discovered in their discussion in a variety of thyroid patient groups on the internet the past decade. Why? Because patients report continuing hypothyroid symptoms in their own degree and kind, sooner or later, which can include lingering fatigue, the need to nap, poor stamina or strength, depression, rising cholesterol or blood pressure, dry skin or hair, digestive problems, easy weight gain, difficulty losing weight, a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia, brain fog, anemia, low B12, adrenal issues and many more.
Browse this compiled, patient-reported list of lingering or worsening symptoms while on Synthroid or similar T4-only meds, and which only went away when they switched to a different thyroid medication with desiccated thyroid. The kinds and severity are unique to each individual.
Natural Thyroid 101
• How long has Natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) been around? It’s been used by patients for over 110 years, as reported in old medical journals. For interesting information on its history &details on the product itself, see the revised
STTM book, Chapter 2.
• What’s the big deal about natural desiccated thyroid (NDT)? Unlike T4-only meds (Synthroid, Levoxyl, generic levothyroxine, Eltroxin, Oroxine, Levothyroid, Levaxin or Euthyrox, etc)…desiccated thyroid is natural and gives you exactly what your own thyroid would be giving you: T4, T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin. Chapter one of the revised STTM book details what each of these hormones are. Patients who’ve tried T4-only, or even the two synthetics (T4 and T3) or even straight T3, have reported far better results with NDT. It’s a smoother treatment, removes lingering symptoms, improves your immune system (which helps Hashimotos), allows many to wean off anti-depressants, statins, BP meds and more, gives you your life back, stops you from falling into low cortisol/sluggish HPA function (which SO many patients end up with because of the inadequacy of T4-only) and could be far better for your immune system if you’ve ever had thyroid cancer (because of the direct T3 within NDT).
• What are the brands of desiccated natural thyroid? They are all listed here. You’ll see Armour, Naturethroid, Acella’s NP Thyroid, Erfa, Thyroid-S, and more.
• What exactly is natural desiccated thyroid? Desiccated thyroid is powdered thyroid from pigs (mixed from several pigs, not one), and it meets the stringent guidelines of the US Pharmacopeia i.e it’s made according to standards, contrary to what some doctors say. To see ingredients of all, go here. To see all available options for desiccated thyroid, go here.
• Are there any non-prescription desiccated thyroid products? Nutri Meds which is available in either porcine or bovine desiccated thyroid, and is far weaker, plus Dr. Lowe’s ThyroGold, which seems to be stronger and workable. Neither Thyroid-S or Thiroyd from Thailand are by prescription, and patients report them working quite well.
• How do I move from taking T4-only to NDT? Many patients do their T4 one day, then stop and start on desiccated thyroid the next with a safe beginning dose, usually one grain (see below), with no problems whatsoever. Some doctors guide their patients to lower T4, such as by half, start on desiccated thyroid, then continue lowering the T4 as they raise the NDT. But the former works well. Work with your doctor.
• How do patients dose with natural desiccated thyroid? Thyroid patients and their doctors have found it wise to start on a smaller dose of desiccated thyroid than they will ultimately need, such as 1 grain (60/65 mg). Why? Because the body may need to adjust to getting direct T3 again, and there may be other issues which can reveal themselves, such as sluggish adrenals or low iron levels. Those who start on natural desiccated thyroid have discovered that it can be wise to RAISE within two weeks or less to prevent hypothyroid symptoms from returning due to suppression of the internal feedback loop in your body, which can happen if you stay on a low dose too long before raising. Most patients start to slow those raises down in the 2-3-grain area to give the T4 time to build (which can take 4-6 weeks) and show its conversion results. Some patients end up in the 3-5 grain area when optimal, some on a lot less, and some on more. It’s individual. (Janie Bowthorpe is on 3 1/2 grains, for example)
• Can I go by those Synthroid-to-Armour equivalency charts? Not if you want to stay hypo. Read right above.
• Do I simply swallow it? Yes, you can swallow it and do great, as patients have done. But others like to do it sublingually, i.e under the tongue. Both Erfa and Acella can be done well sublingually, as can Thiroyd. When swallowing desiccated thyroid, it will be important to avoid iron, estrogen and calcium supplements at the same time, plus possibly magnesium, since all bind the thyroid hormones to some degree. If the tablet is quite hard due to excess cellulose, chewing it up before swallowing can give better results, say some patients.
• Do I take it once a day? To the contrary, most patients have found it beneficial to divide their dose to at least twice a day in order to spread the energy-giving affect of T3. Desiccated thyroid contains direct T3, which is short-lived, and which peaks about 2 hours after you take it. An example is taking 2/3 or your natural desiccated thyroid in the morning, and the other 1/3 in the early afternoon. Your own thyroid, if healthy, would have given you what you need throughout the day instead of one dump; thus, multi-dosing has always been our way to replicate that.
• How do I know when I’m on enough? Before labs were developed, doctors successfully treated hypothyroid patients by symptoms. Today, patients and many wise doctors still find symptom elimination an ideal way to treat. As we are raising from the starting dose of one grain (60 or 65 mg), we look for the complete removal of our hypothyroid symptoms, an afternoon temp of 98.6F/37C, a morning before-rising temp of 97.8 – 98.2 (held under arm ten minutes), a good heart rate and blood pressure, plenty of energy and more positive signs. We also discovered over the years that when optimal and feeling pretty good (and in the presence of good cortisol and good iron), our free T3 is at the top of the range, and free T4 is midrange. Note: if your free T3 is at the top of the range and you still feel horrible, or have hyper-like symptoms, time to test your iron (with blood) and cortisol levels (via saliva, NOT blood). Problems with either will cause T3 to pool high in your blood and not get to your cells well. Go here.
• Why is the T3 in desiccated thyroid so important? ”In your cells, T3 is essential to reconverting ADP (the ‘flat battery’) into ATP (the ‘charged battery’). A shortage of T3 leads to a poor ratio between ATP and ADP. That would seem to explain why a long recovery period is needed after exertion; it takes a long time, at this deficient rate, to get back to a decent level of ATP so you’re ready for more activity.” This way of explaining it comes from this website.
• Why did I feel lousy on NDT? If upon starting desiccated thyroid or raising it, you have very strange symptoms, including anxiety, insomnia, shakiness, we learned it was a strong sign that you may have either an adrenal problem or inadequate levels of iron, which are revealed with NDT. See this video. And here’s a page that covers why NDT doesn’t seem to work for you. Or, if you felt great when you started NDT, only to see it go away and hypo symptoms return, you probably failed to understand that you needed to raise it! See mistakes patients make.
• Why do some patients take T3-only instead of desiccated thyroid? Chapter 12 in the STTM book is completely devoted to T3 and includes good information on RT3.
• Are there any beneficial supplements that I can take with desiccated thyroid? Many patients take a Selenium tablet with their thyroid meds, which assists the T4 to T3 conversion. L-Tyrosine helps some patients, too. Zinc and Vit. C may play a role. Your need for B-vitamins will increase as you improve your energy levels. Some patients benefit from iodine supplementation. Optimizing your Vit. D levels can be important. Minerals are also important. Chapter 15 in the revised STTM book has great information on supplements and good foods!
• Any other tips? Many patients are keen to having an emergency backup of desiccated natural thyroid just for that–emergencies! Desiccated thyroid has a long shelf life, but you can also wrap it securely to avoid damaging moisture and place it in the freezer.
• WANT EVEN MORE INFORMATION on DESICCATED THYROID? Definitely get the Revised STTM book, which is especially handy to take into your doctor’s office, or when you just don’t want to be on the computer.
Wondering which desiccated thyroid brand to take? Any other good options? Here is a list with summaries of your options. These are in no particular order. All are good, and if there are any issues, it’s explained in the summary.
1. ERFA aka “Thyroid”: Turns out Canada’s pharmaceutical “Erfa Canada, Inc” has always produced an excellent desiccated thyroid product, which they simply call “Thyroid”, but which patients call Erfa. It’s almost exactly like the old Armour used to be (before Armour was reformulated in 2009 and ruined, say patients), thus you can do it sublingually. The FDA allows US citizens to order this from Canadian website pharmacies. List below. I, Janie, use this and love it. See the January 20th, 2010 blog post about favorite Canadian pharmacies.
1. ACELLA’S N.P. THYROID: In late 2010, there suddenly appeared a generic version of desiccated thyroid–a real shock to patients since the FDA, in all their wisdom (cough), shut down all generics in 2009. And so far, it appears the Acella version is very workable, say patients, plus there’s the bonus that it can be done sublingally. It appears to be made very similar to what Armour used to be made before it was reformulated in 2009. Patients report being very happy with this.
1. NATURETHROID Naturethyroid is a tried-and-true desiccated thyroid which has been around since the 1930′s, and is made by RLC labs. It appeared to have been reformulated in 2009, but many patients still swear by it. Some chew it up before swallowing for better absorption; others do well just by swallowing it. Hard to do sublingually.
1. WP THYROID formerly WESTHROID-P: Westhroid has been around almost as long as Naturethroid, but 2013 saw a new version called Westhroid-P with only two named “fillers”: Inulin (from chicory root) and medium chain triglycerides (from coconuts). So far, so good! Note: WP Thyroid also has lactose, even though it’s not stated.
1. ARMOUR: Until 2009, Armour by Forest Labs was the darling of all desiccated thyroid products. We could do it sublingually, and even if swallowed, it worked well. But by early 2009, it had been reformulated (an increase in cellulose, which binds thyroid hormones, and a decrease of sucrose. Because patients saw a return of their symptoms, they finally learned to chew it up to release the thyroid from the excess hardness and fiber. Then in 2012, some of the tablets became soft again. The larger tablets still get complaints from patients in 2013.
1. NUTRI-MEDS and THYROGOLD: Nutri-Meds is an OTC desiccated thyroid “supplement” in both bovine and porcine. It’s far weaker so you’ll have to take a lot more, but we’ve always been thankful for its presence. Tell your doctor you are using it to maintain the relationship. http://www.nutri-meds.com/ Thyrogold is sold by Tammy Lowe, widow of Dr. John C. Lowe, and many are happy with it. Capsules are 150 and 300 mg from New Zealand pasture-fed cows and 25 mg of Coleus forskohlii, which is said to promote thyroid function. www.naturalthyroidsolutions.<wbr />com Says a patient on Thyrogold: I lost 23 lbs. I can fit into my clothes again! My digestion improved. My memory improved 100%. Joint pains went away. I sleep all night through and my weight remains stable, and I can enjoy food. I am 64.
1. THYROID-S or “THIROYD”: These are two different brands of desiccated thyroid made in Thailand that many patients swear by. Google “thyroid-s Sriprasit” or “thiroyd greater pharma” to find sources. Information on ingredients here. Keep your doctor informed of your use. A third brand has been mentioned in 2013, called TR and by T. Man Pharma in Thailand.
1. A GERMAN PHARMACY will supposedly send the medication abroad, prescription required and credit cards accepted. They source the thyroid from Europe and have no shortages. They will also compound any strength and combination you require. ”THYREOGLAND” from Munchen (Munich), Kloesterl Apoteke, Waltherstrasse, 80337 Muenchen. Phone: 089 54343211 (Let me know if my information is incorrect, please)
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